

Primary Initiatives

Reflyx is a large project and a single roadmap would not express the number of parallel activities going on to deliver on our promises. Initiatives are like separate lanes or delivery contexts focusing on specific aspects of our ecosystem. Each initiative publishes objectives for each phases of the main project roadmap, abstracting away the details of their own internal projects, tasks and other activities.

Primary initiatives will be prioritized if, for whatever reasons, there are some resources or delay issues during the project delivery. These initiatives are usually closer to the core of the platform and delivers key building blocks to secondary initiatives (see below).

Core Protocol Initiative (COPI)

Lead: Joel GrenonHomepage: COMING SOON

The core protocol initiative is responsible for delivery the required specifications and tools to make human-centric software real. It will publish and support the desktop, mobile and headless node reference implementations, that will be used as the foundation for all the work of the other initiatives.

This initiative is lead by Reflyx founder directly for the foreseeable future.

Decentralized Organization & Tools Initiative (DOTI)

Lead: Joel GrenonHomepage: COMING SOON

This initiative will explore the concept of decentralized organization in the context of our human-centric fluid software approach. This goes beyond current DAO on blockchains by extending it to decentralized IT systems and ad-hoc business processes. How can be integrate employees as systems, with AI agents, information systems, devices into a coherent organization, with clear governance and transparency for investors.

Our prototype will be our own reflyx-dao project, which is described in more details here.

Native Devices & Hardware Initiative (NDHI)

Lead: TBDHomepage: COMING SOON

This initiative ultimate goal is to create native desktop, mobile and embedded distribution of Reflyx OS that will power commoditized computing devices. Our goal is to leverage the great work performed by the Linux Foundation for their large hardware support and great kernel. This should become our low-level kernel layer over which we will build the human-centric UX, completely abstracting the underlying harware device.

Ultimately, this initiative will let you pick any compatible device connected to the Internet and use it to securely manage all your resources.

Commoditized Computing Platform Initiative (CCPI)

AI Collaboration Initiative (AICI)

Legacy Systems Integration Initiative (LSII)

Human Adoption & Learning Initiative (HALI)

Secondary Initiatives

Secondary initiatives are higher level and explores ways of exploiting our new computing platforms in various industries or areas. They are important and will be performed mostly in parallel to primary ones, but if constraints arise, these initiatives will be slowed down or completely halted until the project is back to normal.

That being said, it is critical to get these initiatives going in parallel to primary ones as they will provide an essential feedback loop when applying our core concepts to reality as well as help establish partnerships and built practice communities around the world for specific industries or verticals. New secondary initiatives might be added as the project goes forward, depending on interest, adoption and partnerships. Not all initiatives will be funded through Reflyx, but we hope to keep a meaningful and constructive presence in all of them as our ecosystem grows.

Global Resource Marketplace Initiative (GRMI)

Decentralized Supply Chain and Asset Management initiative (DSAI)

Next Gen Social Collaboration Initiative (NGSI)

Next Gen Enterprise Computing (NGEI)

Media Publishing and Digital Rights Management (MPDRI)

The digital media industry has evolved over the years, but, like software evolution, it has never broken from the classic way of the duplication and distribution model. This initiative mission is to reinvent media publishing from books, magazines to music, movies, games and more. What is a real online model of media publishing? How does it solve monetization and rights distribution? How does it copes with AI generated content? How can be verify the origin and authenticity?

Like with software, we find some partial answers in blockchain technologies, but the real problem is that we still think of media as the final product, the bundled binary streams that is sent to your headphones or video player. We still think in term of building the result and not of fluid adaptative online content. Reflyx aims to apply the same powerful principles we derived from software to media content has a whole.

To learn more and contribution to this initative, please register and visit the Reflyx Wiki.

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