

Timeboxed Phases

Our approach to project management is designed around an Agile process that will help us constantly deliver value and move our ecosystem forward with little friction and wasted energy. Each phase is timeboxed to 18 months and will be composed of 6 3-month delivery cycles called increment. Each incement is in turn split into 3 4-week sprints where concrete value driven tasks are orchestrated and performed.

The following diagram provides a visual representation of the roadmap structure

Timeboxed Roadmap

The first phase (Inception) is exceptionnaly 3-month long, so only a single delivery cycle will occur during this initial phase (see below). All other subsequent phases are 18-month long and provide enough time to apply a consistent delivery process to ensure quality. Reflyx is an innovation project and some features or decisions will need time to discuss and reflect, internally and with the community. We need a steady pace, predictible deliveries and a clear vision.

Naming Conventions

Phases are names P0, P1, P2, etc. Increment are named following this convention: {phase-no}{[A-F]}. So each increment has a unique name within the whole roadmap. This is important in order to apply a consistent naming to source code artifacts and branches. Sprints are scoped at the increment level, so they are refer by simple S1, S2, S3, ... If you need to specify a sprint in the context of the whole project, just append the increment name like this: 0AS1, 1FS3, etc.

Delivery Process

Like express earlier, the idea behind phases is to force a certain delivery rythme, consistency and perdictability for our community. But to achieve this, we expect initiatives to follow a certain set of principles that will help them make the best out of the 6 delivery cycles. our idea is to get a functional increment at the end of each increment cycle. So 6 meaningful value-driven increment for each initiative every 18 months. But initiatives need to use these cycles the right way.

During the 1st two cycles, we expect initiatives to deliver functional but dummy or simpler versions of their deliverables. These increments are for discovery, to make sure we've nailed the feature or innovation. The 1st increment will be released in beta, which should provide feedback for the 2nd and 3rd increments. The 6th one should be used as a edge cases and polishing increment, to ensure that we delivr quality on which we can build the next phase.

Phase Visions

Each delivery phase will mark a clear evolution of the Reflyx platform, not just from a delivery perspective, but also from a financial and maturity one. The vision statement will guide initiatives into their delivery priorities and help our work converge into a grand phase delivery.

P0. Inception

Get the engine Rolling!

Circulating Supply5,000,000
Token Price2.50 USD
Market Cap12.5M USD
Governance Centralization85%
Available Tokens750,000

The inception phase is a little different than the others. We're building our the team, the tooling, the delivery processes so the various initiatives will have a 3-month period to get ready for the first real delivery phase (P1).

Governance Targets

Only 15% of the token pool will be allocated to external investors. The rest will be kept in the DAO wallet for allocation to initial team members and bounties. Voting power will be kept to a minimum of 70% by the founder for this phase. This is required to keep the project aligned and get community built, vision adopted and initiatives started the right way.

Phase 0 will start 2 weeks after the initial token sale is complete.

P1. Exploration

Discover human-centric fluid software patterns

The goal of this phase is to put in place a first version of the operating system, with public beta releases starting after a few increment cycles (4th+?). We will start with focusing on our needs, including DAO, marketplace and core resources.

P2. Adoption

P3. Expansion

P4. Explosion

P5. Revolution

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